
On two accounts.

The ride today from Magherafelt to Derry was more than I expected. This on two accounts, also. Sights as far as my eyes could see.

The other of the original accounts is that I was going to stay with someone in the city tonight, but I think I waited too long to contact them. I checked my email just now to find that I was homeless. WAS HOMELESS. Ha, but God strikes again.

I have seen more provision in the last few days than maybe ever. This could be due to me looking for it, but I know it has a lot to do with family and friends praying for me. I realized today that we have to be put outside our usual world to even appreciate what is out there.

Last night was a really good night of camping by Lough Neagh (Lock Nay/not Loch Ness). I've so much to say, but internet costs 6 bucks for 30 minutes and those are almost gone.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you how God provided for tonight. I was looking for an internet cafe to see about an email from the guy I was supposed to stay with. I had to have at least 6 people direct me to one. When I finally got close, there was a girl headed that way so I followed her. I found that there was no email to stay with the person so I leaned over and asked if she knew anyone in the city I could stay with. I asked if she had heard of couch surfing, and I explained my situation. Yes, she says. I am a couch surfer, you can stay with me. Done and done.


There's nothing better than knowing beyond a doubt that God is taking care of you. It's great to hear you're enjoying that type of experience - prayers will continue!

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