Lazy Sunday

"Yo Burgess, what's crackin'?"

Not a whole lot. Robin and I went up to Mussenden, a home of the late Bishop and Earl. It was cool to see some ruins that are still kind of intact and imagine what it must have been like to see it originally. It's right next to the sea so it has a very striking appeal. In fact, I'll upload some pictures in case anyone would like to go there via the internet. Check my last post for the link to the picture dump.

There is a huge emphasis on Protestant vs. Catholic here because of the history of the area. It's strange because I expected the church service to be different due to that, but it wasn't really. Just some jokers praising God. It's good to know that despite the differences in culture the Truth doesn't change. I've found that everywhere I've been.

It was overcast again today so I'm crossing my fingers and dotting my t's for sun tomorrow.


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