Camping and biking, biking and camping

Yesterday started with trials. However, I got the sunshine that Robin prayed for. Good good. Then it began. I had gotten a flat tire on the way to his house, and he came and picked me up three days ago. Simple enough to change the flat, right? Three more flat tires is what I was looking at yesterday. Ha, I would get about 50 yards down the road and hear that familiar hiss. I didn't lose it, though. I kept my calm and enjoyed the close to five hours it took to ride 18 miles.

I did sort of lose it when I was riding on Rathlin Island's roads and my chain got stuck under the chainrings. It took a little doing and a pocket knife, but the last hurtle gave way. I got to enjoy camping on an island in the middle (well, maybe corner pocket) of the Atlantic Ocean. Rathbone Island is what I like to refer to it as, though, because it sounds way more cooler. Learn about it here... It has easily been the highlight of Northern Ireland.

I got over to it around 7 pm, but the other highlight of Northern Ireland was in full effect. Again, it stays light until 11 pm or more! I biked to the western shore only to find the most spectacular sight around. I'll try to upload a video of it, but no promises. Dinner tastes better when looking at something spectacular, I've found. After that, I headed to the campsite around 11 pm. I thought that I was being distracting to people that had tents setup around me, but I heard them come in 20 minutes after I had set up and bedded down.

I accidentally camped in the middle of a group of young boys and girls. Each one asked, "Who's tent is this?" and said, "Well, it's a one-man tent." I said absolutely nothing and hoped they would leave me alone. The did until the morning when the leader knocked on my tent and asked if I was up. I groaned, and again, they left me alone.

I had planned to bike around and see more of the island after I got up, but I "accidentally" slept until 10 am. After I packed my gear, the ferry was there to haul us back at 11. I felt a little loss about not getting to see the rest of the island so I asked the ferry operator what times the ferry would be back. I stayed until the ferry came back at 3:30, and this turned out to be a class (Irish slang for excellent) idea.

The highlights of the afternoon were watching seabirds fly around the cliff face and accidentally finding myself within 50 feet of a seal sunbathing. I still have 16 miles to ride tonight (it's 6:30 pm right now), but the sun is out and things are looking up!

By the way, I figured up that I've only spent like 52 dollars on housing so far in the last week. God bless couch surfing, camping and cheap hostels.


Charlotte said…
Hey Bill -

glad you made it to Rathlin. It's a special place. Sounds like your adventure is going well!

Acorn + Archer said…
the mental picture of a bunch of kids crowding around your tent trying to figure out who or what was in there goaning (growling) at, that makes me laugh.

Annnnd, i know this is wrong, but in my mind the camp leader is that scary character that Alec Baldwin plays on Saturday Night Live where he takes his shirt off. (

I know, I know...wrong...but funny.

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