People make the places

Yesterday began as uneventfully as the day before, but it quickly gained momentum. I went out by myself to look around the city some more and change money, and I bought some groceries for lunch. Fun. But then after lunch I met a guy from Salt Lake City, and I made my first friend. We toured around the historic fighting places in the city. It was interesting to get to participate a little in the history of the area. They have lots of murals commemorating each side's participation and "sacrifice" to the conflict between loyalists to the crown and the traditional Irish.

The day got even more betters when we met two pretty girlies from Quebec. It was about 8 pm so we escorted them to see the sights we had just learned about. Ha, you can pretend to know a lot at least, right? We all had a good time just discussing the place here and what we have all been doing that brought us together. It was really interesting. After that, we went to a cool pub and stayed until they closed at 1. It was all good fun, but I definitely overslept this morning for check out at the hostel. The girl at the desk said it would be 100 pounds. I said okay. Thankfully, she was joking about any charge.

So for better or worse the biking will begin today. I'll keep you updated.


Acorn + Archer said…
i love the girlies were from Quebec and not the least half of my vision is coming true! miss you!! SIS
Anonymous said…
I was worried for a sec..thought the girlies made you forget the bike.. hehe stay out of the ditches..
David S. said…
what?! no update today? maaaannnnnnnn..

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