
This trip has gotten off to an interesting start. Already there have been adventures in simply getting to Belfast. Thankfully, there have been lots of friendly and helpful Irish along the way. Also, God is putting a hand in where need be. Let me tell you how...

1. I got to the check-in counter at Nashville's aeropuerto only to hear that my connecting flight to Newark, NJ was delayed 1.5 hrs. I didn't really have a problem with this, and I thought it might even earn me some flight bucks. No. The delay was due to weather in Houston which earns noone flight bucks. They checked other flights to find that the next definite flight that I could take was Thursday (this was Monday). I finally remember to ask God to fix it, and about thirty seconds later the guy helping me said, "Oh, wait your Belfast flight is a little delayed so it might work out." (or something to that effect) Bonus.

2. There were two other people going to Belfast from Nashville(natives), and they just happened to be sitting one row behind me. I got to talk with them a little about my plans, and they made me feel more confident in my trek. They even gave me bus fare when we got to Belfast!

3. The connection in Newark ended up being about 13 minutes. After sprinting, I had 8 to spare.

4. I got off the bus in the right place! Directions are not my strong suit. I jumped off when I saw a Vodafone store. The Belfast City Welcome Centre was across the street. Praise God. If you want to call me in the next, say, 8 days my phone # is 00447748697296. Yes, all those numbers. It's free for me to receive calls so charge up your phone card and call me.

More updates to come. I am surviving (thriving) on a cup of coffee, tasty tea and a strange airline fruitcup.


David S. said…
Glad to hear you've landed safely on the emerald isle. Looking forward to more updates to come.
Lori & Larry said…
Hey Bill,

Larry and I are excited you are on this trip and our prayers are with you! Amazing things happen when we stretch ourselves! There is nothing like a bike tour to do that! keep us posted!
Anonymous said…
Hey Brother,
Glad you are there safe. Prayer went up for you sunday evening from the back yard. Keep us updated. Jim
David Robinson said…
Adventure abounds! Keep us informed.

Is Belfast farther than biking to Alabama? If not then it is not the next logical step.
Unknown said…
It's one thing if two bikers meet on a lonely road, but going straight to the rainbow pub is just asking for trouble.

PS. Did you ask the bartender if he had any quackers?

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